Summer In The Forge 2024

Following a busy few weekends for Marlborough Open Studios, the forge is a little quieter. I am now catching up on some orders and planning new work for the next exhibition in Shed 7 this coming winter. With over 300 people visiting the forge and gallery over the two weekends, it was, at times, very…

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Summer 2024 – Open Studio Days At The Forge

Visit Melissa’s forge this July to see finished sculptures, work in progress and live forging demonstrations. Its been a long time since Melissa Opened her forge to the public – last time was at her old forge at Puthall Farm, Marlborough for Marlborough Open Studios. In 2016 Melissa shared her studio with New York…

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New Decorative Entrance Sign at Ridgeway Farm

New Entrance Sign Installed December 2023 As 2023 came to a close, I was able to install this new entrance sign on the Purton Road. Designed and made by me in my Wiltshire forge, this large sign has been in the pipeline for a long time as a part of the Ridgeway Farm Public Art…

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Ridgeway Farm Community Orchard

HOW TO BE INVOLVED This is a voluntary community group of residents from Ridgeway Farm helping to create and maintain an orchard on the public open space to the east of River View next to the railway line. Started as a part of the Ridgeway Farm Art Project this initiative is for the benefit of…

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Ridgeway Farm Art Project – Community Orchard

September 2023 sees progress towards creating the Ridgeway Farm Community Orchard at Ridgeway Farm. I have been working on this Public Art project since 2013 and am reaching the final stages.    The project has had different phases; nature trail map, children’s photography and drawing workshop, bat boxes, a new entrance sign and a community orchard.…

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Paradise Street Public Art Project

 Paradise Street Public Art Project Oxford, 2022-23 For A2Dominion A2Dominion are a residential property group operating across London and Southern England providing a range of homes and services for customers including, Social and Affordable rented homes, homes for sale, Supported Housing, Student Accommodation and Key Worker accommodation.     I was approached by the A2 Dominion…

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BABA Conference 2023

BABA Conference 2023 for all blacksmithing friends – have you got your ticket? Iron Age to Contemporary Age A Blacksmiths Tale 18th – 20th August 2023 The Venue:Butser Ancient Farm, Chalton Lane, Hampshire, PO8 0BG Join the British Artist Blacksmiths Association (BABA) as we explore the forging of medieval ironwork, to forge accurate recreations of…

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Heritage Crafts Association

 Heritage Crafts Association A great organisation promoting working and endangered crafts across the country. If you have a passion for the crafts or you are a craftsperson, the Heritage Crafts Association is probably one of the most pro-active resources currently available in the country.   Promoting traditional crafts and supporting crafts workers, for a small…

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Ridgeway Farm Art Project

  Ridgeway Farm Art Project Summer 2023 – Update Hello everyone at Ridgeway Farm!    I hope life at Ridgeway Farm is good and that now it has finally warmed up, you can see the swallows flying around the ponds and bats around the bat boxes!   I have been working on the entrance sign since the beginning…

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