Stanford In The Vale Art Project
May 25, 2019
May 2019
Public Art Project – Community Consultation Opportunity
Following some building development in the village (Section 106) there are some Public Art works in the consultation and development stages and the local residents of Stanford In The Vale have an opportunity to be involved.
Initial design ideas are being worked on for new planters for the main entrance roads into the village – The High Street, Cottage Road etc. Some of these will replace the existing wooden ones but it is hoped there will be a few new ones!
The longer term goal is that these will be the start of an arts trail that will creatively explore and bring together some of the events and features that have shaped the village over the years.
I am the artist who will be seen in and around the village putting together ideas! I have already spent a number of days in a hi-viz jacket wandering around measuring signs and exploring the village researching the local history.
As the project progresses, I would like to meet with members of the SIV Local History Society, the Gardening Club and Art Group and any other residents that have an interest in the Public Art Project.
The plan is that there will be outline designs for the planters on display at the SIV Village Festival in June – please pop along to the church to see them while you enjoy the flower festival.
I will be around on at least one of the festival days if you want to talk about the project and I am looking for members of the community to get involved in adopting a planter and creating a stunning flower display when they are installed later this year. It is hoped that there will be a community competition with groups adopting a planter and looking after the plants in it through the year – if you want to do this – please let the me or the parish council know!
For more information about the project, you can follow this blog or email me directly via my website
Posted in Blacksmithing, Education and community art