Autumn 2018 – Update

It has been a busy year so far!  I have made a large scale, split strand DNA sculpture for Winchester University Cosmic Walk.

DNA sculpture by Melissa Cole (photo credit; Mark Somerville)
I have also finished the last window panel in a Sir John Soanes designed house which depicts the history of the house and local landscape.
I am waiting to install another public art piece in Malmesbury – images to follow when the work is installed and have worked on a number of small commissions in-between.
My courses are fully booked for this year and I am also fully booked for commissions until May/June 2019
My Etsy gift shop is starting to gain interest – I am selling smaller gift items here such as linked hearts, hooks, feathers and huge nails!
My prototype garden linked hearts were recently auctioned for the Jemima Layzell Trust and raised £300 and a one day course raised £250 for Wiltshire Air Ambulance.
I have had a part time blacksmith working with  me this year and hope this will continue while he develops his skills and knowledge of our craft.
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